Hands & Hanging - In the Name of Love - Some bombs come disguised with good intentions; as gifts.  
With these pieces you pull out the grenade pin to remove the bow.  Each grenade has a small bullet-shaped compartment inside.<br/ >
These 50+ pieces were originally created in protest against the US invasion of Iraq and shown in an installation on a bed of white sand. Hot Cast Glass & Kiln Cast lead crystal

In the Name of Love

Some bombs come disguised with good intentions; as gifts. With these pieces you pull out the grenade pin to remove the bow. Each grenade has a small bullet-shaped compartment inside.
These 50+ pieces were originally created in protest against the US invasion of Iraq and shown in an installation on a bed of white sand.

each about 8-14 in tall x 6 in dia

Hot Cast Glass & Kiln Cast lead crystal
In the Name of Love

FaceBook Carol Milne Artwork